Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Share The Love Wednesdays: Gems by Gia

This weeks interview is with Gianna Seca from Gems by Gia.  Gianna does fundraising for the Heart & Stroke foundation and SickKids Hospital in Toronto.  

Bridal Swarovski Pearl Bali Bangle

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Gianna and I am a jewelry designer and maker from Toronto, Canada.

How long have you been making jewelry?
I began in 2009.  I did private and house parties but I got quite ill and had to stop – so I began to sell on I had 3 different names since 2011.

What made you decide to start selling your jewelry as fundraising? 
My friend’s son had a friend who has Lymphoblastic Lymphoma and other friends’ children were also being treated at the SickKids Hospital here in Toronto. I just had to raise money for this worthy cause- so I began selling dedicated bracelets on-line and in stores. I raised $2000 that went to the fund since 2013.

Which causes does your shop help support?
This year my mother had a severe stroke- she survived and I needed to start raising money for the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada as well as SickKids. I will also be adding the Ronald McDonald House and other ones in the future.

Silver Wild Heart LOVE Necklace
Wild Heart

Which design is your favourite?
That’s easy- the LOVE Wild Heart- it is my mom’s favourite as well.

What time of day do you do most of your creating?
I create when the creative juices flow – I have done it at 2 am, at 6 am …lol. It becomes I have to see where this is going kind of thing.

What was the first item that you sold?
I will never forget. Two Sterling Silver ( I only work in Sterling Silver) block bead name necklaces in black leather for 2 little girls. I gave their father 50% off. I am not much of a business person. 

Do you have a work space that you do your work at?
My tiny apartment or at my parent’s home.

Where else can people find you? i.e. facebook, twitter, pinterest etc.
Thanks for asking:
Twitter: @gbgbracelets
Etsy Shops:
1. New GBGCollection my new “Etsy Couture” Shop
2. GemsByGia – fundraising shop
Facebook: Gianna Seca Designs 
Pinterest- just starting- GBGBracelets 

Is there anything else that you want people to know about you or your shop?

Yes – these solid Sterling Silver pieces are priced very reasonably because I want people to be able to purchase them as gifts as well. I include a velvet pouch and an insert explaining the cause. They essentially give twice. 

Bridal Positivity Silver Bracelet

Thank you GIanna for taking the time to do this interview!  I love that you are taking part in fundraising for such great causes.

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