Q. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Hi! My name is Luisa. I have been designing jewelry for over ten years now. I am mostly self taught and design by intuition. I have a lovely young family that keeps me busy and young. I have an interesting assortment of beads.
Q. Tell us more about your shop and the kinds of things that you sell?
Most of the designs are all one of a kind and colourful. I love colour and texture and that is something that is present in most of my pieces if not all. It's very difficult for me to stick to one bead, pearl or shell!
My shop carries a multitude of designs of necklaces and bracelets. I also make earrings and brooches. Most necklaces and all bracelets can be altered to fit your wrist or to the length of your neck that you like at an additional cost.
I just started working with leather too and am trying to find different ways to incorporate it with my current inventory.

Generally colour and mother nature inspire me. There are incredible amounts of colour combination and if you add texture, the combinations are endless. I also get inspired by fashion, greeting cards, art, past fashion trends and other cultures.
Q. What made you first start selling on Etsy?
I had been encouraged years ago to start selling on Etsy and the reality was that I didn't really think about it until now. Etsy enables me to have a creative outlet, be in contact with other talented artisans and learn about business.
Q. What was the first thing that you sold?
My first sale was to my sister. She purchased a long necklace for her best friend :) But my 'real sale' was a blue brooch to a lovely person in The UK. The colours were pretty intense and it was fun to put the pieces together. She was very pleased with her purchase.
Q. You have some amazing jewelry pieces! Which one is your favourite to create?
That's a tough question. I love doing the wire wrapped jewelry with chain link, but I also enjoy the crochet necklaces because the end result is always a surprise.
Q. Do you have a favourite time of day that you prefer to do your creative work?
I love working with natural light, so anytime after breakfast is ideal for me. I prefer sunny days like most people and only because we had a long Winter and a very cold and wet Spring.
Q. Where else can people find you? i.e. facebook, twitter, pinterest etc.
If it is there you will find me!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LittleGemsByLuisa?ref=hl
Twitter: twitter.com/gems_little
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/littlegemsl/
Wanelo: wanelo.com/littlegemsbyluisa
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/107055601646014545909/about
Fancy: fancy.com/littlegemsbyluisa
Weheartit: weheartit.com/littlegemsbyluisa
Tumblr: www.tumblr.com/blog/littlegemsbyluisa
Q. Is there anything else that you want people to know about you or your shop?
I do a lot of custom design for individuals who have an idea in mind or are looking for a special piece for their wedding day. I work in person or via email. I am also selling in some shops in the city now and will be starting some markets this Summer.
Thank you Luisa for your wonderful behind the scenes photographs and for doing this interview! I had a great time.
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